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  “How fares our bondmate this day?” he asked with a lilt of humor in his voice. He knew managing two small children while pregnant was much more strenuous than conducting drills with new recruits. She kissed him by way of reply, careful to avoid bumping into the struggling Thom.

  “And how fares the babe?” Mateen asked as he stroked his hand along her belly, Abet riding his shoulder. The baby jumped inside, and she again marveled at the connection all five, no, six of her family shared.

  “Hopefully ready to be born. I won’t be able to walk much longer if I keep gaining.”

  Mateen and Bynton gave each other a knowing glance.

  “Then I suggest we take these two little wild ones next door for safe-keeping for an hour or so,” Mateen said.

  “Why?” Avanelle had planned to serve their evening meal soon.

  “Because Mateen and I are prepared to help speed nature along.” Bynton laughed.

  Avanelle realized what was coming, and her whole body warmed. Her men would spend as long as she liked pleasing her, giving her orgasm after orgasm to hasten the onset of labor. It had worked with both Thom and Abet, so why not now?

  She agreed with a smile and gathered her children in for a kiss, then her men, her heart full, her life filled with uncounted facets of love.

  The End

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